
Frequency Control

image_frequency_controlThis online training course addresses aspects related to frequency control and maintaining it with respect to the operation of the Bulk Electric System. Topics covered in this course include: frequency control fundamentals, system components and operation, automatic generation control, time error, NERC control performance criteria, implications of frequency deviations, and under-frequency protection on the system.

Module Objectives:

  • Identify frequency control fundamentals
  • Identify system components and operation
  • Define automatic generation control
  • Define Time Error
  • Identify NERC control performance
  • Identify impact of frequency deviations
  • Define under-frequency protection

Each lesson area in this course is culminated with a review and a quiz. Upon completion of the course, there is a final assessment that consists of 10 questions. Individuals must attain a passing grade of 70% on the final assessment in order to be awarded the appropriate NERC CEHs.

This class is intended for: new operators entering the world of System Operations, experienced personnel who wish to expand or review frequency control principles, and anyone that wishes to gain knowledge into the real-time operation of the Bulk Electric System related to frequency and generation/load balancing.

NERC Continuing Education Hours:

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 1.5 CEHs
Sim: 0.0 CEHs

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