
Operations Support Personnel Awareness Training


As identified in the NERC Standard PER-005-2, each Reliability Coordinator, Balancing Authority, and Transmission Operator shall use a systematic approach to develop and implement training for its identified Operations Support Personnel on how their job function(s) impact those BES company-specific real-time reliability-related tasks performed by their System Operating Personnel. This online training course addresses aspects related to the general responsibilities of Support Personnel in their role of supporting real-time operations. Topics covered in this course include: Training Requirement Overview, System Limits, System Studies and Plans, ACE and Frequency Implications, Restoration Planning, Switch Order Writing, and Communications, Reporting, and Training.

Module Objectives:

  • Identify the implications of NERC Standard PER-005-02 on Operations Support Personnel across the industry
  • List the steps that can be utilized for complying with the NERC Standard requirements for identifying Operations Support Personnel Awareness Training
  • Explain the benefits to reliable operations from the completion of the Operational Support Awareness Training
  •  List the general areas of involvement that Operations Support Personnel have with regards to impacting real-time reliability related tasks performed by System Operating Personnel
  • Identify the Operations Support Personnel'™s role for updating or verifying system operating limits utilized in real-time operations
  • Identify the key considerations for Operations Support Personnel related to transmission, generation, load, and reactive devices when performing system studies
  • Explain the purpose of updating system studies and the implications of not updating system studies both prior to and during real-time operations
  • Identify the need for communicating and verifying the system study results to Real-time Operating Personnel
  • List the implications to Real-time Operating Personnel and system reliability if inaccurate studies are provided
  • Identify the key considerations for Operations Support Personnel related to transmission, generation, load, and reactive devices when developing mitigation plans to be utilized by Real-time Operating Personnel
  • Explain the importance of Operations Support Personnel following-up in real-time to evaluate the implementation of the mitigation plans developed by them
  • List the mitigating actions that can be utilized by Operations Support Personnel for voltage issues when developing their mitigation plans for Real-time Operating Personnel
  • List the mitigating actions that can be utilized by Operations Support Personnel for equipment loading issues when developing their mitigation plans for Real-time Operating Personnel
  • Identify the implication to Area Control Error and frequency that must be considered when developing mitigation plans for Real-time Operating Personnel implementation
  • List the considerations for Operations Support Personnel in developing the System Restoration Plan developed for Real-time Operating Personnel utilization
  • Explain the operational concerns when writing switching orders for removing or returning equipment to service
  • List the safety considerations related to writing switching orders
  • Identify the keys to communication for Support Personnel when communicating with real-time Operating Personnel and external personnel for issues impacting real-time operations
  • List the considerations for designing, developing, and delivering training for Real-time Operating Personnel as a Subject Matter Expert
  • Identify the NERC/DOE reporting requirements
  • List the entities responsible for reporting to NERC/DOE

Each lesson area in this course is culminated with a review and a quiz. Individuals must attain a passing grade of 70% on each quiz in order to be awarded the appropriate NERC CEHs.

NERC Continuing Education Hours:

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 2.5 CEHs
Sim: 0.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration || Custom Bundle Registration

Registration Fee:

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