
Power System Mathematics

image_power_system_mathematicsThis online training course addresses aspects related to mathematics and its use in operating the Bulk Electric System. It is intended to provide students with the basics of mathematics and the various situations that it may have to be utilized by System operating Personnel. Topics covered in this course include: basics of mathematics, use of mathematics in Balancing, uses of mathematics related to voltage control, mathematics and its use in operating the transmission system, and how mathematics could be used during restoration.

Module Objectives:

  • Identify the basics of mathematics
  • Define the use of mathematics in Balancing
  • Identify uses of mathematics related to voltage control
  • Describe how mathematics is used in operating the transmission system
  • Identify uses of mathematics during restoration

Each lesson area in this course is culminated with a review and a quiz. Upon completion of the course, there is a final assessment that consists of 10 questions. Individuals must attain a passing grade of 70% on the final assessment in order to be awarded the appropriate NERC CEHs.

This class is intended for: all Operating Personnel who are required to utilize mathematic skills and calculations in any part of their job responsibilities.

NERC Continuing Education Hours:

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 1.5 CEHs
Sim: 0.0 CEHs

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